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Knitted Tea Cozy

A knitted tea cozy is not just a practical accessory for keeping your tea warm, but it also adds a touch of charm to your teatime rituals. Imagine how delightful it would be to pour yourself a steaming cup of tea from a pot snugly wrapped in a handmade cozy, made with love and care. These cozy creations come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, ensuring there's one to suit every teapot and taste. Whether you prefer a classic design or something more whimsical, a knitted tea cozy embodies warmth and comfort, much like a hug for your teapot. So next time you brew a pot of your favorite tea, consider adding a knitted tea cozy to your collection for a touch of coziness and style.


  • 1 pair circular knitting needle size 7 16 inches long
  • 1 pair knitting needles size 7
  • 2 markers
  • 1 row counter
  • about 4oz of a worsted weight yarn
  • 2 1 inch buttons that go with the yarn

Using the 7 circular needle, cast on for large 98 and for the small size 82

Rds 1 to 7: k 1, p 1 around, join being careful not to twist stitches.

Divide for front and back, work across the first 48 for large size, the first 41 2nd.

Rw 1: k 3, place marker, inc 1 st 1 time only for small size, p 3, ( on all following rows p 4 ) and increase 2 stitches 1 time only for large size ( large size p 4) * k 4, p 4,* repeat from * to * across row to last 3 stitches, place marker, k 3. turn ( 50 stitches for large, 42 stitches for small)

Rw 2: k 3, slip marker, k 4, p 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Rw 3: k 3, slip marker, p 4, k 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 4: k 3, slip marker, k 4, p 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 5: k 3, slip marker, k 4, p 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 6: k 3, slip marker, p 4, k 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 7: k 3, slip marker, k 4, p 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Row 8: k 3, slip marker, p 4, k 4, across to last 3 stitches, slip marker, k 3. Turn

Repeat these four rows 4 times for the large size, for the small size 3 times.

Front button row

Rows 1 to 3: k 1, p 1, turn

Row 4: k 1, p 1, twice, bind off next 3 stitches, k 1, p 1, across to the last 7 stitches,

bind off 3 stitches, k 1, p 1, twice, turn

Row 5: k 1, p 1, twice, cast on 3 stitches, work across row to last 4 stitches, cast on 3, k 1, p 1, twice, turn

Rows 6 and 7: k 1, p 1, across row, turn.

Bind off after row 7.

Back, repeat as for front but leave out the button holes.

Sew buttons on, weave in the yarn ends.

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