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Knitted Cable Cardigan Sweater

The knitted cable cardigan sweater is the perfect addition to your wardrobe for staying cozy and stylish during the colder months. With its intricate cable knit design and classic button-up style, it exudes a charming and timeless appeal that can effortlessly elevate any outfit. This versatile piece is not only fashionable but also practical, providing warmth and comfort when the temperature drops. Whether you're lounging at home or heading out for a casual outing, this sweater offers a cozy embrace that feels like a warm hug. Embrace the chilly weather with this charming knitted cable cardigan sweater, and you'll be sure to turn heads while feeling snug as a bug in a rug!

S, M, L, XL Finished Chest Measurement=36 (38, 42, 46)"

20 sts and 26 rows=4" in Moss St

Size 8 US (5 mm) needles or size needed to obtain gauge
Size 8 US (5 mm) circular needles 35" in length or size needed to obtain gauge
Crystal Palace Yarns Bunny Hop
50 % micro Acrylic, 42% micro Nylon, 8% rabbit angora
50 grams/1.75 ounces - 113 yards/103 meters
8 (8, 8, 9) balls Caramel - color 2206

Pattern Stitches:K2, P2 Rib
Row 1: *k2, p2; rep from * across
Rep this rowMoss St
Rows 1 and 2: *p2, k2; rep from * across
Rows 3 and 4: *k2, p2; rep from * across
Rep Rows 1-4

Eccentric Cable
Worked over 10 sts
Rows 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17: p2, k6, p2
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18: k2, p5, k2
Row 5: p2, sl next 3 sts to cn and hold in front while working Right Front and hold in back while working Left Front, k next 3 sts, k 3 sts from cn, p2
Row 11: p2, sl next 3 sts to cn and hold in back while working Right Front and hold in front while working Left Front, k next 3 sts, k 3 sts from cn, p2
Rep Rows 1-18


Note: First and last st are worked in St st throughout pattern as a selvedge st. Take this into account when following pattern.

CO 90 (94, 106, 118) sts.
Work in K2, P2 rib 6 rows.
Work in Moss St until piece measures 12 (12, 13, 13½)" from beg.
Shape Armhole
BO 5 sts beg next 2 rows.
Keeping to pat, dec 1 st at each end every other row 6 (8, 10, 12) times (ssk at beg of row and k2tog at end of row) - 68 (68, 76, 84) sts
Work even in pat until armhole measures 9 (9, 9½, 10)".
Shape Shoulders BO 6 (6, 7, 8) sts beg next 4 rows. BO 6 (6, 6, 7) sts beg next 2 rows.
Place 32 (32, 36, 38) sts on holder for back of neck.

Right Front
CO 46 (50, 58, 62) sts.
Work in K2, P2 rib 6 rows.
Work 16 (22, 26, 30) sts in Moss St, pm, work Row 1 of Eccentric Cable over next 10 sts, pm, work 20 (18, 22, 22) sts in Moss St.
Cont in pat as est until piece measures 12 (12, 13, 13½)" from beg. End with RS row completed.
Shape Armhole and Neck 

BO 5 sts and complete row.
Keeping first and last 2 sts in St st and cont in pat as est, at armhole edge dec 1 st every other row 6 (8, 10, 12) times.
At same time, at neck edge dec 1 st every other row 5 (8, 16, 13) times, then every every 4th row 12 (11, 7, 9) times.
Work even until armhole measures same as Back.
BO shoulders as for Back.

Left Front
CO 46 (50, 58, 62) sts.
Work in K2, P2 rib 6 rows but begin rows with P2.
Work 20 (18, 22, 22) sts in Moss St (but begin row with K2), pm, work Row 1 of Eccentric Cable over next 10 sts, pm, work 16 (22, 26, 30) sts in Moss St (but begin row with K2).
Work as for Right Front, reversing shaping.

CO 66 (66, 70, 74) sts.
Work in K2, P2 rib 6 rows.
Work in Moss St 2 rows.
Cont in Moss St and keeping to pat, inc 1 st at each edge next and then every 4th row 7 more times - 82 (82, 86, 90) sts
Work even until piece measures 6" from beg or desired length.
BO 5 sts beg next 2 rows.
Keeping first and last 2 sts in St st and cont in pat as est, dec 1 st at each end every other row 26 (26, 28, 30) times.
BO rem sts.

Seam shoulders.
With RS facing and circular needles, beg at bottom right edge pick up 120 (120, 122, 124) sts, k 32 (32, 36, 38) sts from holder, pick up 120 (120, 122, 124) sts along left edge - 272 sts
Work in K2, P2 rib 5 rows.
BO in pat.

Sew in sleeves. Seam sides and sleeves. Weave in ends on WS.Close at neck with a brooch.

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