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Knitted Lace Baby Booties

Oh, knitted lace baby booties are simply the sweetest little things! This charming accessory keeps those tiny toes warm and stylish at the same time. The delicate lace pattern adds a touch of elegance, making them perfect for special occasions or everyday wear. Handcrafted with love, these booties are not just adorable but also cozy and soft, providing utmost comfort for your little one. They make for a thoughtful and heartwarming gift that parents will surely cherish. So, whether it's a cute photo shoot or a cozy day at home, these knitted lace baby booties are a delightful addition to any baby's wardrobe.

20 sts = 4" in St st

About 1 ounce of sportweight yarn
Size 6 US (4.25 mm) needles
Stitch markers
Tapestry needle
Extra needle or crochet hook (optional)

Lace Pattern Stitch
Note: Stitches are decreased on Rows 1 and 3 and restored on Rows 2 and 4.
Row 1: *sl 1, k2, psso (over the 2 knit sts), k3; rep from *
Row 2: *p4, yo, p1; rep from *
Row 3: *k3, sl 1, k2, psso (over the 2 knit sts); rep from *
Row 4: *p1, yo, p4; rep from *CO 36 sts.
Knit 2 rows.
Work 16 rows of Lace Pattern Stitch. As you complete each row, odd rows will have 30 sts and even rows 36 sts.
Knit 1 row.
Purl 1 row.
Beading row
(k2, k2tog, yo) 4 times, k2,(k2, k2tog, yo) 4 times, k2
Purl 1 row.

K23, turn work - 13 sts remain unworked on the left needle.
Row 1 and all odd rows (WS): sl 1, p9, turn. (Now 13 sts remain unworked on each needle)
Row 2 and all even rows (RS): sl 1, k9, turn.Rep Rows 1 and 2 10 times more, ending with a RS row.
Pick up 7 sts from the left side of the instep. K13 that have been held on the needle.
P30, pick up 7 sts from the right side of the instep. P13 sts that have been held on the needle - 50 sts
K 6, 8 or 10 rows (3, 4 or 5 ridges on the RS). More rows will give you a deeper bootie, which is good for bigger or chubbier babies.

Decrease Foot
Row 1: K2, k2togtbl, k19, k2tog, place marker, k2togtbl, k19, k2tog, k2 - 46 sts
Rows 2, 4, 6: Knit
Row 3: K2, k2togtbl, k17, k2tog, slip marker, k2togtbl, k17, k2tog, k2 - 42 sts
Row 5: K2, k2togtbl, k15, k2tog, slip marker, k2togtbl, k15, k2tog, k2 - 38 sts

You may BO here leaving a long tail and sew seam in the sole of the bootie and sew the back seam as well. Or use a bind off that doubles as a seam:Final row and bind off: k19, fold bootie in half, RS together. Use a crochet cast off or a three needle bind off starting at the tip of the toe. When done cut a long tail and use it to sew the back seam. Turn right side out.

Run an 18" length of ¼" ribbon through eyelets or make a twisted cord: Take a piece of yarn about 4 feet long and tie the two ends together with a slipknot. Holding the knot between your fingers hook the yarn over your big toe, the finger of a willing friend, or a similar post. Holding the yarn relatively taut, roll the knot between thumb and forefinger until it begins to twist on itself. Holding the knot firmly, take the other end of the yarn from your toe and bring the folded end and the knotted end together. Smooth the cord with your finger to make it twine evenly. Tie a slipknot on each end. You may trim the ends with scissors to make them more uniform and attractive (like mini-tassels)

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