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Knitted Child Bolero

Step into the world of fashion and warmth with our exquisite Cozy Little Bolero. This charming piece is specially designed for your little one, crafted with love and care. Made from the finest quality knitted fabric, it ensures both comfort and style. The intricate knitting pattern adds a touch of elegance, making it a perfect addition to any outfit. Whether it's a special occasion or a casual day out, the Cozy Little Bolero is sure to turn heads and keep your child snug and cozy. This versatile piece is a must-have in your child's wardrobe, offering a stylish alternative to traditional outerwear. The soft and breathable fabric ensures your little one stays comfortable throughout the day, while the knitted design adds a touch of sophistication. Whether paired with a dress or a casual ensemble, the Knitted Child Bolero effortlessly elevates any outfit. Let your child shine with confidence and style in this trendy and cozy bolero.

Materials & Tools

  • 1 pair of 3.75 and 2.75 mm needles
  • 4x skeins of mineral dyed merino wool – we have used here copper dyed merino wool
  • safety pins
  • stitch holder


Chest: 51 cms (6-12 months)

Chest: 56 cms (12 months to 2 years)


K : Knit

Inc : Increase 1 stitch by knitting into the front and back of the same stitch

P : Purl

P3tog : Purl three stitches together

RS : Right side

St : Stitch

WS: Wrong side

The Directions

Girl Bubble Pop Bolero


With number 3.75mm needles and 2 strands of yarn cast on 52sts (60).

Row 1:(RS) Purl to end

Row 2: *(k1,p1,k1) all into the next stitch, p3tog: repeat from * to end of row

Row 3: Purl to end

Row 4: *p3tog, (k1,p1,k1) all into the next stitch: repeat from * to end of row

These four rows form the pattern. repeat them until the work measures 11.5cms (12.5) ending with a WS row.

Armhole shaping

Note: – Be careful when decreasing that you do not accidently increase, if you start pattern with (k1,p1,k1) be sure to end with p3tog and vice – versa. Any stitches that do not fit into the pattern should be knit.

Row 1: RS cast off 2sts (3sts) pattern to end

Row 2: cast off 2sts pattern to end.

Row 3: k2tog knit 3, pattern to last 5sts k3, k2tog

Row 4: P4, Pattern to last 4sts P4

Repeat last 2 rows until 22sts (24) remain.

Hole stitches on a stitch holder.

Using 3.75mm needles and two strands of yarn cast on 16sts (20sts)

Work 2 pattern rows as for back.

Row 3: cast on 4sts pattern to end.

Row 4: pattern to end.

Repeat last 2 rows 2 more times.

Continue in pattern until work measures 11.5 cms ending with a RS row.

Armhole and front shaping

Row 1: Pattern to end.

Row 2: Cast off 2sts, pattern to end.

Row 3: Pattern to last 5ts, k3, k2tog

Row 4: p4, pattern to end.

Row 5: k2tog, Pattern to last 5sts, k3,k2tog

Row 6: p4, pattern to end.

Repeat rows 5 and 6 until 1st remains. Leave this stitch on a stitch holder.

Left front

Using 3.75mm needles and two strands of yarn cast on 16sts

Work 2 rows of pattern. Then 1st pattern row once more

Row 4: cast on 4sts pattern to end.

Repeat last two rows 2 more times.

Continue in pattern until work measures 11.5cms ending with a WS row.

Armhole and front shaping

Row 1: Cast off 2sts (3sts) pattern to end

Row 2: Pattern to last 5sts, k3, k2tog

Row 3: p4, pattern to end

Row 4: k2tog, Pattern to last 5sts, k3, k2tog

Row 5: p4, Pattern to end.

Repeat rows 4 and 5 until 1st remains. Leave this stitch on a stitch holder.

Sleeve (both alike)

Using 2.75 needles and two strands of yarn cast on 44sts (52sts) and work in k1, p1 rib for 6 rows.

Change to 3.75

Work in pattern as for back until work measures 4cms ending with a WS row.

Top shaping

Row 1: cast off 2sts (3sts) pattern to end

Row 2: cast off 2sts pattern to end.

Row 3: k2tog, knit 3, pattern to last 5sts, k3, k2tog

Row 4: p4, pattern to last 4sts, p4

Continue to repeat last 2 rows until 8sts (10sts) remain. Leave these stitches on a stitch holder.

Back Ribbing

Using 2.75 needles and with 2 strands of yarn and with right side of work facing, starting at the right-side seam, pick up 52sts (60sts) along cast on edge of back. Work k1, p1 rib for 8 rows. Cast off.

Front Band

With 2.75 needles and 2 strands of yarn and with right-side of work facing, starting at the right-side seam, pick up 72sts (78sts), including the one stitch on stitch holder, evenly up front. Knit the 8sts (10sts) along the top of the sleeve, knit 22sts (24sts) along the back, knit 8sts (10sts) along the other sleeve and pick up and knit 72sts (78sts) including the 1st on stitch on stitch holder down the left-hand front to left-hand seam 182sts (200sts).

Work three rows in k1, p1 rib

1st Buttonhole row: Work 36sts (39sts) in k1,p1 rib, cast off 3, rib to end.

2nd Buttonhole row: Rib to where stitches were cast off, cast on 3, rib to end

Work 2 more rows of k1,p1 rib, cast off

Sew up sleeve seams. Sew up side seams sewing front rib boarder to side seams.

Sew on button to match buttonhole.

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