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Knitted Lacy Scarf with Center Cable

The Knitted Lacy Scarf with Center Cable is a charming accessory that adds a touch of elegance to any outfit. Its intricate design of delicate lace paired with a central cable creates a unique and stylish look that is sure to turn heads. Whether you're dressing up for a special occasion or simply want to add a bit of flair to your everyday attire, this scarf is the perfect choice. The softness of the yarn used in knitting ensures both comfort and warmth, making it ideal for the colder months. Its versatility allows you to wear it in different styles, whether draped loosely around your neck or wrapped snugly for extra coziness. Embrace your inner fashionista with this beautifully crafted knitted scarf that will be a standout piece in your wardrobe.


  • One pair 10 ½ knitting needles
  • 4 stitch markers
  • 1 row counter
  • 1 U shaded cable needle
  • 4 ply yarn, (I used Caron One pounder in Lavender, you can get this yarn from Jo-Ann's Fabric)

Notes: Please note that this pattern is not for beginners

C4F = put first 2 stitches on cable needle, hold to front, k next 2 stitches, then k 2 stitches from cable needle.

SSK = slip 1 stitch knit wise twice, knit both slipped stitch thru back loops.

Slip markers has you come to them.

PSSO = Pass slip stitch over

Cast on 34 stitches.

Up set row: K 3, place marker, knit 11, place marker, k 6, place marker, k 11, place marker, k 3.

Knit 4 more rows.

Row 1: K 3, *( k2 tog, yo} 2 times, k3, {yo, ssk} 2 times*, p 1, k 4, p 1,

*(k 2 tog, yo} 2 times, k3, {yo, ssk} 2 times*, K 3.

Row 2: K 3, p 11, k 1, p 4, k 1, p 11, K3.

Row 3: K 3, *k2, yo, ssk, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yo, k2 tog, yo, k2*. p1, C4F, p 1,

*k2, yo, ssk, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yo, k2 tog, yo, k2*, K 3

Row 4: K 3, p 11, k 1, p 4, k 1, p 11, K3.

Row 5: K 3,*k3, yo, ssk, yo, sl 1-k2tog, psso, yo, k3*. p 1, k 4, p 1,

*k3, yo, ssk, yo, sl 1-k2tog, psso, yo, k3*.K 3.

Row 6: K 3, p 11, k 1, p 4, k 1, p 11, K3.

Row 7: K 3,*k 4, (yo, ssk} 2 times, k3*. p1, C4F, p 1, *k4, (yo, ssk} 2 times, k3*. K 3.

Row 8: K 3, p 11, k 1, p 4, k 1, p 11, K3.

Row 9: K 3, *k2, k2tog, yo, k1, {yo, ssk} 2 times, k2*, p 1, k 4, p 1,

*k2, k2tog, yo, k1, {yo, ssk} 2 times, k2*, K3.

Row 10: K 3, p 11, k 1, p 4, k 1, p 11, K3.

Row 11: K 3, *k1, (k2tog, yo} 2 times, k1, (yo, ssk) 2 times, k1 *. p1, C4F, p 1,

*k1, (k2tog, yo} 2 times, k1, (yo, ssk) 2 times, k1 *, K 3.

Row 12: K 3, p 11, k 1, p 4, k 1, p 11, K3.

Repeat rows 1 to 12 18 times. Then rows 1 to 11 once, knit 5 rows, bind off, weave in the ends, and block.

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