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Knitted Twisted Stitch And Lace Socks

Knitted Twisted Stitch And Lace Socks are not only practical but also stylish additions to any wardrobe. These socks showcase a combination of intricate twisted stitches and delicate lace patterns, creating a unique and eye-catching design that is sure to impress. The textured details add depth and interest to the socks, making them stand out from the typical plain socks. They are perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your outfit or as a thoughtful handmade gift for someone special. The beauty of these socks lies in the skill and creativity that goes into knitting them, showcasing your talent and passion for the craft. So, grab your needles and yarn, and get ready to create a pair of stunning Knitted Twisted Stitch And Lace Socks that will surely become a favorite in your sock collection!


6 1/2 (7 1/2, 8 1/2)" foot circumference and 8 1/2 (9, 9 1/4)" long from back of heel to tip of toe; foot length is adjustable; shown in size 7 1/2"


Hazel Knits Artisan Sock (90% superwash merino, 10% nylon; 400 yd [366 m]/120 g):

  • Midas, 1 skein (see Notes)
  • Gauge 30 sts and 46 rnds = 4" in St st


  • Size 2 (2.75 mm) needles
  • Markers (m)
  • Stitch holder
  • Tapestry needle
  • Notes

    These socks are worked from the cuff down in the round.

    One 22-row repeat of the Leg and Instep chart adds about 2" of length. For a foot length shorter than 8", begin working the Toe chart after four repeats of the Leg and Instep chart, instead of five, and only work Row 14 of the Toe chart once.

    The largest size uses all of one skein of yarn. Consider purchasing an extra skein as insurance.


    Cuff: CO 54 (62, 70) sts. Place marker (pm) and join in the rnd.

    Next rnd *[K1tbl, p1] 1 (2, 3) time(s), k1tbl, p2, [k1tbl, p1] 3 times, [k1tbl] 2 times, p2, [k1tbl] 2 times, [p1, k1tbl] 3 times, p2, [k1tbl, p1] 1 (2, 3) time(s); rep from * once more. Rep last rnd 7 (11,15) more times.


    Next rnd *Work 3 (5, 7) sts in rib, work Leg and Instep Chart over 22 sts, work 2 (4, 6) sts in rib; rep from * once more. Cont in patt until Rows 1-22 of chart have been worked 2 times, then work Rows 1-12 once more.

    Heel flap:

    Note: Heel flap is worked back and forth over first 28 (32, 36) sts of rnd; last 26 (30, 34) sts will be worked later for instep.

    Row 1 (RS) Sl 1 pwise wyb, [p1, k1tbl] 1 (2, 3) time(s), work Heel chart over 22 sts, [k1tbl, p1] 1 (2, 3) time(s), k1, place next 26 (30, 34) sts on holder, turn.

    Row 2 (WS) Sl 1 pwise wyf, [k1, p1tbl] 1 (2, 3) time(s), work Heel chart over 22 sts, [p1tbl, k1] 1 (2, 3) time(s), p1. Cont in patt through Row 24 of chart.

    Sizes 7 1/2 (8 1/2)" only:

    Next row (RS) Sl 1 pwise wyb, [p1, k1tbl] 2 (3) times, p22, [k1tbl, p1] 2 (3) times, k1.

    Next row (WS) Sl 1 pwise wyf, [k1, p1tbl] 2 (3) times, k22, [p1tbl, k1] 2 (3) times, p1. Rep last 2 rows 0 (1) more time.

    All sizes:

    Turn heel: Turn heel using short-rows as foll:

    Short-row 1 (RS) Sl 1 pwise wyb, k16 (18, 20), ssk, k1, turn.

    Short-row 2 (WS) Sl 1 pwise wyf, p7, p2tog, p1, turn.

    Short-row 3 Sl 1 pwise wyb, knit to 1 st before gap, ssk, k1, turn.

    Short-row 4 Sl 1 pwise wyf, purl to 1 st before gap, p2tog, p1, turn.

    Rep last 2 short-rows 3 (4, 5) more times — 18 (20, 22) heel sts rem.

    Shape gusset:

    Next row (RS) Sl 1 pwise wyb, k17 (19, 21), pick up and knit 12 (13,14) sts along edge of heel flap, pm for new beg of rnd.

    Next rnd Pick up and knit 1 st in twisted st column at edge of heel flap, (p1, k1tbl] 1 (2, 3) time(s), work Row 13 of Leg and Instep chart over 22 sts, [k1tbl, p1] 1 (2, 3) time(s), pick up and knit 1 st in twisted st column at edge of heel flap, pm, pick up and knit 12 (13, 14) sts along edge of heel flap, knit to end of rnd — 70 (78, 86) sts: 28 (32, 36) instep sts, 42 (46, 50) sole sts.

    Dec rnd [K1tbl, p1] 1 (2, 3) time(s), k1tbl, work in patt over 22 sts, [k1tbl, p1] 1 (2, 3) time(s), k1tbl, sl m, k1, ssk, knit to 3 sts before m, k2tog, k1- 2 sts dec'd.

    Next rnd Work in patt to m, knit to end. Rep last 2 rnds 7 more times — 54 (62, 70) sts rem: 28 (32, 36) instep sts, 26 (30, 34) sole sts.

    Foot: Work even until Rows 1-22 of Leg and Instep chart have been worked a total of 5 times (see Notes). Work Rows 1-14 of Toe chart over center 22 sts of instep, working all other sts in patt. Cont in patt, rep Row 14 of Toe chart over center 22 sts of instep, until foot measures 7 (7 1/2, 7 1/2)" from back of heel, or 1 1/2 (1 1/2, 1 3/4)" less than desired finished length.


    Next rnd [K1tbl, p1) 1 (2, 3) time(s), ssk, p20, k2tog, pm, (p1, k1tbl] 1 (2, 3) time(s), knit to end— 52 (60, 68) sts rem: 26 (30, 34) sts each for instep and sole.

    Next rnd [K1tbl, p1] 1 (2, 3) time(s), k1, p20, k1, [p1, k1tbl] 1 (2, 3) time(s), knit to end.

    Dec rnd [K1tbl, p1] 1 (2, 3) time(s), ssk, purl to 2 sts before m, k2tog, [p1, k1tbl] 1 (2, 3) time(s), k1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1-4 sts dec'd.

    Next rnd [K1tbl, p1] 1 (2, 3) time(s), k1, purl to 1 st before m, k1, [p1, k1tbl] 1 (2, 3) time(s), knit to end.

    Rep last 2 rnds 4 (5, 6) more times —32 (36, 40) sts rem: 16 (18, 20) sts each for instep and sole. Rep Dec rnd every rnd 4 (4, 3) times — 16 (20, 28) sts rem: 8 (10, 14) sts each for instep and sole. Break yarn, leaving a 12" tail.


    With tail threaded on a tapestry needle, graft sts using Kitchener st. Weave in ends. Block to measurements. 

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